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2021 FSB 특별호 안내: 제출기한 연기 안내

관리자 hit 1037 date 2021-04-01

Food Science and Biotechnology 저널은 올해 특별히 아래의 특별호를 기획하여 현재 원고를 모집하고 있습니다.
지역 식품만의 기능성과 위해성을 분석한 논문이면 제출이 가능합니다. 원활한 원고 모집을 위해 제출기한을 9월 30일까지 연기하였습니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 올해 10월호에 특별호가 발간 예정입니다.
제출방법은 기존 논문 제출 방법과 동일합니다만, 투고 시스템에서 Additional Information에 특별호 임을 표기하면 됩니다.

■Topic for special issue: Asian ethnic foods: From safety to health benefits
(Analytical methods for the health beneficial bioactive components and hazards in the ethnic foods)

In the various ethnic foods, a lot of health beneficial compounds and hazards are included. So far, there have been many physiological studies of these ingredients. These physiological activities include antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer activity. However, the accurate analysis is essential to understand these components. It is true that the analysis of physiological active and hazard components in the ethnic foods is very limited. Therefore, this special issue will cover in-depth research on these analytical methods.


■문의: Special Issue Editor-Prof. Kwang-Geun Lee, Dongguk University, South Korea (이메일: kwglee@dongguk.edu)

