■ 2024 Conference of Food Engineering ■
Plans for the 16th Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE 24, to be held Sunday – Wednesday, August 25-28, 2024 in Seattle, WA, USA) are moving forward. We have an exciting program planned, with sessions organized by industry, academic and government participants.
Abstract submissions opened on October 15, 2023. Submit abstracts online at: https://socfoodeng.org/cofe/abstracts/ Contact societyoffoodengineering@gmail.com for more information.
We encourage early abstract submission, especially from international attendees, as you may need considerable lead time to obtain US visas. We can make early decisions on abstract acceptance and provide letters for this purpose.
We have two committed industry sponsors, PepsiCo and ConAgra, and are in discussions with other potential sponsors.We welcome potential sponsors for CoFE 24. For Sponsorship information, please visit https://socfoodeng.org/cofe/sponsors/ or contact us at the email above.
CoFE 24 Organization Committee Chair: Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas
CoFE 24 Organization Committee Members: Juming Tang, Shyam Sablani, Yanyun Zhao
SoFE Executive Committee Members: Kumar Mallikarjunan, Gönül Kaletunç, Sudhir Sastry, Rohan Tikekar
SoFE Members-at-Large: Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas, Gail Bornhorst, Dennis Heldman, Soojin Jun, Francesco Marra, Carmen Moraru, Kesavan Niranjan, Colm O’Donnell, Hosahalli Ramaswamy, Deepti Salvi, Oscar Vega-Castro, Yi-Cheng Wang